Professional athletes are often extremely fast, very powerful, and have exceptional agility. WavVis recognizes these attributes as the main Foundations of Athleticism and has developed testing and training programs to improve the Everyday Athlete.
Foundations of Athleticism
The ability to produce explosive force as fast as possible.
The ability to accelerate and achieve maximal speed under short distances.
The ability to efficiently and quickly change direction at any moment.
How it works

The 5 Tests
Vertical jump
The vertical jump test is a good indicator of an athlete’s lower body power. A state-of-the-art jump mat is used to test how high an athlete can jump straight up. By calculating an athlete’s body weight and height, we can accurately compare the athlete’s power potential. This test directly correlates to dunking a basketball; hitting a header in soccer; smashing an overhead in tennis; hitting a serve in volleyball; and catching the ball in baseball, football, and rugby.
With the T-cone test, we determine how fast an athlete can change direction and move linearly and laterally. It is important for an athlete to move in different planes of motion (sagittal and frontal) without any limitations. Most sports require an athlete to do more than just run in a straight line. Shuffling and back-pedaling are usually a consequence of external stimuli during a game (ball, opponents) that require quick reflexes and the ability to move in different directions.
Pro- agility
Using advanced software and timing gates, we measure how quickly and efficiently an athlete can change direction. The results help us determine the athlete’s pro-agility: the ability to produce and control maximal speed under very short distances and sharp angles. Pro-agility relates to an athlete avoiding the tackle in football; intercepting the ball in basketball; dribble the opponent in soccer, and getting to the ball in tennis.
Reactive strength index (RSI)
The RSI test is done by having an athlete perform 10 consecutive jumps as fast and as high as possible. This measures how strong and explosive the athlete’s tendons are and if they can withstand the high demands of a particular sport. Most athletes are constantly exposed to repetitive movements such as jumps, landings, sprints, and changes of direction. If an athlete’s tendons are not able to adapt to explosive forces then a decline in performance will occur.
40- yard dash
The 40-yard dash test measures an athlete’s abilities to accelerate and achieve maximal speed under a short distance. Speed matters, but acceleration matters even more. If an athlete cannot accelerate fast enough to get to the ball or the opponent, points can be lost. Rarely in a sports setting, there will be long and uninterrupted distances that will allow an athlete enough time to achieve their maximal speed. Most athletes usually have only 5, 10, or 20 yards to achieve their maximal speed.
Athletic report
Get your profile.
Every time you get tested you will receive an athletic report where you will have insights about your performance and results.
Determine goals.
Having your athletic report is a great way to start setting your short-term, long-term, and S.M.A.R.T. goals.
Improve performance.
Every time you re-test your reports will be updated with new data and you will have insights on your improvements.
Training program
Get your training plan.
After analyzing your data you will receive a program to improve your power, speed, and agility.
Update your exercises.
With updated reports, you will also receive updated training programs which will help you in your athletic progress.
WavVis support.
WavVis is there for you. If you have any questions about data results or training programs you can always reach us out through call, text, or email.

Sport-Specific Testing
We understand that one size does not fit all. WavVis offers customized testing tailored to the specific needs of organizations and Athletes.
Customized testing may also include:
Counter-movement Jump (CMJ)
Broad Jump
Drop Jump
Med Ball Toss
5, 10, 20, 30-Meter Sprint
Zig-Zag Drill
40-Yard Shuffle
Lane Agility Drill
Interval Shuttle Run

Our Services
WavVis Custom
Contact us for custom pricing
- ✓ 5 standerdize tests
- ✓ 3 Sport- specific test
- ✓ 3 Sport-specific drills
- ✓ Training program
- ✓ Report card