Benefits of WavVis testing
In order for an athlete to make improvements in any sport, it is very important to know what his/her baseline is. We can make guesses at what it may be, but the only true and objective way to measure the baseline is through athletic testing.
One size doens’t fit all depends on the athlete’s individual characteristics. One of the best ways to see our athlete's abilities is to compare them to the other athletes that play the same sports, same position, same age and gender, and similar body types.
The most effective and successful training programs are developed with the collection of valid and objective data and the professional assessment of an individual athlete. WavVis has the tools to perform extensive testing, tailored for each sport and the experience to parse that data and create a custom training program for each individual athlete.
The human body is not a perfect system. It is not equally strong, flexible, and mobile. Perfect body symmetry simply does not exist. It is normal to have some asymmetries, but an athlete should be aware of these imperfections. If asymmetries are not detected early on then athletes can be at risk of developing even greater imbalance that can lead to an injury and/or a decline in performance.
Having results from professional athletic testing can showcase the skills and talents of an athlete. Almost all of the professional and semi-professional teams recruit athletes based on results from different combines and sports events. Collage coaches often express interest in data that is gathered showing skill-sets revolving around the athlete's ability to accelerate, jump, apply force to an external object, and change direction.
Testing can be a great motivating tool for athletes to become better. With testing, we can accurately see all the improvements which can affect the athlete positively. Goal setting for the coach and athlete is equally important, athletic-based testing makes this process easier and more precise.
As they train, it is very important to keep track of an athlete’s improvement and development to determine what works for that athlete and what does not. Progress can be attributed to quality training and/or physical growth and maturity (bones develop density and muscles become stronger and faster.)
Recovery is one of the most important and one of the most overlooked aspects of training. Not enough recovery can lead to decline performance, mental fatigue, and injuries. By testing our athletes, we can see if they are at risk of overreaching and overtraining.
Injuries are part of the everyday sport, and they are unavoidable. Thanks to testing we can track athletes’ progress back from injury to the field and determine when they are fully ready to be back at the competition phase.